
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

British Home Stores, Northumberland Street

A recently opened shop must mean a new cafe to try, and as I was in town with time to kill I headed up the escalators to the second floor.  I should say first of all, that the new shop looks good.  It seems smaller than the old store, but everything looks bright and attractive and some very mellow muzack playing.  I do worry a bit about all the references to the online store - hope this isn't going the way of Littlewoods.

Now to the cafe.  It couldn't be anything other than clean as it has only been open a few days.  It's open till 6.30pm for snacks and drinks, but during the day there are cooked breakfasts and lunches.  As it was after 5pm I opted for a blueberry muffin and a cup of tea and took it to one of the tables overlooking Northumberland Street.  Nosey Parker's paradise!  You can see all the comings and goings.  You can even see the graffiti on the top of the Marks and Spencers building opposite (who on earth??).

The decor and furnishings are simple and functional.  White plastic bucket chairs, small tables, grey tiled floor, canvasses on the walls showing pictures of the meals served.  Do you know what - I loved it!  It took me right back to my teenage years of tea drinking in Dingles.  There may be no frills, not even a sofa that I could see, but what you see is what you get, and what I saw was just the place to dive into and know that you'll get good basics.  Long may it continue

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