You may think I have been slacking in the cafe crawl as I haven't published anything new for a few days. I say no! I have been revisiting and have posted comments on the original entries, and I am planning and scheming to visit new places soon. It seems there truly is no end to the cafes in Newcastle.
Today, for example, found me in the Central Library with several possible choices for revisits or new places all within a short distance. What to do? I decided to stay put and visit the library cafe which though I have walked past many times I have never visited (see what I mean about no end of cafes?)
At lunchtime the place was pleasantly full. The ambience is clean, uncluttered, businesslike, and it is light and airy. I ordered tea and cake, and the staff were quick to point out the special offer which would save me a few pence. Cake and tea were up to standard I'm pleased to report, and I sat and munched looking out on Princess Square. Princess Square: how could we brighten it up? Guerilla knitting, maybe? The ramps up to Bewick Court have a distinctly unfinished look to them, as if the bare concrete should be covered over by colourful mosaics or other artwork but the money ran out, or the council didn't get re-elected - oh I don't know!
Now I must confess why I was looking out instead of people watching down the cafe. I was in a corner, dear reader, sneakily chomping my own lunch of crackers and cheese. There, I've said it. I only managed one cracker before I was overcome by guilt - but at least my library books aren't late.
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